Artist's Prosperity 101 - Please watch!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

LA Times Acting Career Article

Another interesting article in the LA times that I wanted to pass along...

It has an interesting definition of the "middle class" member of SAG - those who earn enough to get their insurance, but less than $100,000. What is interesting is that this "middle class" accounts for only 5% of actors, the vast majority not even qualifying for insurance... what a career we have chosen!

What I do keep coming back to, however, which none of the recent articles I have read and passed along have mentioned, is that it comes down to longevity. The longer you are able to actively pursue an acting career (or any other artistic endeavour), the greater chances of eventual success you will have... the trick is not being stuck in depressing, dead end jobs until that happens, but creating something parallel to you artistic venture that supports you over what could be a long time...

...this is what I am all about, of course, with Abundance Bound, but I like finding articles like this because I feel they get necessary conversations going. That in mind, I would love and welcome any comments - please feel free to write!

have a great weekend


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