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Thursday, May 15, 2008

SAG negotiations - alternate perspective

Something Adam came across from Michael Bay - in typical bombastic mode - but who none-the-less makes some relevant points. Read on...

SAG wants more than Directors and Writers? That's a smart tactic I guess. When are people going to understand, most importantly actors - we are at war - we are facing a major recession - our country is in dire need of being fixed - our country also has no money because we have given trillions to the Iraq war and we have NOT even started to pay for it - it is just paid right now by printing more money on presses - China owns our ass in every way. Why not strike on a business in a down fall. Just like the writer's they made pennies on the four extra months striking - when you do the real math and they are paying the price for it still - so many writer's out of work still!!! I want this business to thrive - I know the studio heads and they will punish those that defy them. Okay, be an idealist - but you will never get a better deal then the writer's or directors - only the same - the studio's will never allow it, don't kid yourself. The working actors don't want a strike - they have said so. Too many non working actors have a say which is crazy - maybe there are just too many actors?? Gosh I'm even a member of SAG, but I don't feel I've earned the right to vote in this guild.

One hunch, the leaders of these guilds seem to like the limelight they get in the press, it becomes more about the ego in the room rather than something smart. Striking is not smart. Through the history in America, strikes in businesses have only gained the union worker 6% at the max - so take the emotion out of it and go for the 6%. A path to strike is not smart for the the hundreds of thousands of people in this business. Sanity needs to prevail here - talk real and talk the same talk as your union brothers - not more!

What I think he misses is that there are simply more actors than writers or directors - where you have one director, and two writers, you have fifty actors, so that having the same deal puts significantly less residuals into their pockets...

... not that actors should get 50 times what Director's do, but it seems to me that the deal should be somewhat sweeter  than the other two unions.

I would welcome any thoughts on this!

For now

To your prosperity,

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