Artist's Prosperity 101 - Please watch!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Backstage Article

Backstage runs our article next Thursday - wish us luck! We have had a feature in the SAG magazine before, which goes out to about 120,000 members, but Backstage goes to 300,000, so I am very excited about the exposure we will be getting.

I will be posting a copy of the article here, but I want anyone reading this to call Backstage and RAVE about what we wrote, demand more along the same lines, and generally make a big deal about the info we provide...

The other exciting thing is that our affiliates will be able to piggy back on the exposure to get people to our site. We also have something specifically for actors - a special report titled 
"5 Things Every Actor Must Do" - If you haven't already, grab it, because we partnered with 4 other actor support companies to provide something really useful... definitely worth checking out.

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