Artist's Prosperity 101 - Please watch!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Artists' Prosperity Bootcamp

Just a quick note to say that we are coming down the wire if you are interested in registering for the next round of our Artists' Prosperity Bootcamp.

This is a 10 week teleseminar series, where each week your coach goes into detail on one part of the Artists' Prosperity System. The great thing about this is that it really gets you into action around your finances in a way that a one day event can never achieve.

If you are interested in finding out more, please visit us at Artists' Prosperity Bootcamp, where you can see all the details of the program and more.

I am also excited to announce that, for the Monday night class, we have a student from South Africa enrolled! That makes four continents that we have students from - world domination next!

Have a great week.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Some great news!

Our first article appeared in Backstage East last Thursday! It is very exciting, as Backstage has such credibility and presence in the acting community. Amusingly, we should have been included in both backstage East & West... but were somehow left out of the West part (although that article should run this week) - I will include the link once it is up online.

The exposure from the Backstage articles is great, and we are looking forward to doing steadily more press-related material because of it. We have already had a couple of offers for radio shows, and will let you know as other stuff materializes...

On the acting front, interesting news from my agents regarding commercials. We recently got an email from them letting us know that LA was very slow at the moment. This certainly seems to fit, as Adam (my husband and an Assistant Director, mostly in commercials) has been very slow as well for the past couple of weeks, but it is always concerning to have it straight from one’s agent. I remember during the last recession commercials were hit hard as well, as it is the advertising budgets that gets cut first in times of economic difficulty, so here’s hoping it is a short lived downturn.

The flip side of this is, of course, that now is the perfect time for people to learn about money and investing - look a little further down the page for a full article on that - and also to make a little (or a lot) extra money - please check out our affiliate page on how to do that with us at Abundance Bound!

Happy Monday! 

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Backstage Article

Backstage runs our article next Thursday - wish us luck! We have had a feature in the SAG magazine before, which goes out to about 120,000 members, but Backstage goes to 300,000, so I am very excited about the exposure we will be getting.

I will be posting a copy of the article here, but I want anyone reading this to call Backstage and RAVE about what we wrote, demand more along the same lines, and generally make a big deal about the info we provide...

The other exciting thing is that our affiliates will be able to piggy back on the exposure to get people to our site. We also have something specifically for actors - a special report titled 
"5 Things Every Actor Must Do" - If you haven't already, grab it, because we partnered with 4 other actor support companies to provide something really useful... definitely worth checking out.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tax Credit for NY

Just came across this, and wanted to share it. 30% of below the line is significant, needless to say...

... although Puerto Rico's 40% still beats it, and I think I would rather go there to shoot a movie for a few months!

Thanks for highlighting this, Erin.

The Actors' Enterprise: Blog and News<br>: Tax Credit tripled for NYC filmmakers

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Make Money With Abundance Bound!

Finally the affiliate page is up and running! This means that anyone, anywhere in the world, can promote Abundance Bound services, classes and products, provide something of immense value to their creative friends and associates, and make money at the same time!

OK, I am overusing the exclamation marks, but I am excited. We are also gearing up to roll out another program within the next couple of months...

...but you will have to wait and see what that is.

We have also re-vamped the look of the website, which I am very happy with. So visit us at Abundance Bound, then come back here and let me know what you think! Also, if you have not already done so, sign up for our free stuff by clicking GIVE ME MY FREE STUFF - nice and easy to remember - and again, please post your comments here - I really do want to hear what you think.

Have a great Friday.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Business of Acting

I just came across this article from Bob Fraser, someone who's views on acting as a business I have always appreciated and learnt from.

He makes the comment that most business' go out of business because "their advertising stinks" - and that actors, who are running their acting business', go out of business for the same reason.

Anyway, I don't want to paraphrase too much, so here is the link to the article itself:

Also, our website is in the process of being revamped, so check out our new look Abundance Bound Homepage in a couple of days - I will let you know when. We will also be launching our affiliate program by the end of the week. Again, I will be posting as soon as that happens.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Free Financial Teleseminar

Just a quick post to let everyone know that I will be doing a free intro teleseminar "The Power of Prosperity" on Thursday, April 17, from 4 - 5:15pm Pacific. You can register by clicking:

It is an excellent intro to the work we do at Abundance Bound, and gives some great financial tips and tricks that actors and artists can put to work right away. We also record the call, and distribute it to the participants via email, so even if you cannot make it live, you can still benefit from it at your convenience! 

I would encourage any and everyone to register, as it is a terrific first step in taking control of you finances, and therefore your artistic and acting careers.

See (hear) you then.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Investing for Actors and Artists

Adam (my husband & Abundance Bound partner) was doing a a teleclass on investing this weekend for our Bootcamp students, and he made a couple of points that I think are particularly relevant in the current climate.

  1. We are entering / in a recession (or "slight economic downturn". depending on who is speaking...) and, despite what most people will say, now is EXACTLY the right time to be learning about money. Learn how to handle it when you don't have much, and you won't be used as a cautionary tale 10 years from now when you've had it, blown it, and are now back to square one.
  2. Be looking for foreclosures / re-possessions that you could take advantage of with 2 or 3 other people. If you are OK with having room-mates for a couple of years, are there people you trust you could split down payment and mortgage with, so that you could get in to a place in the next year or so, live there while the property appreciates, then sell in 3 - 5 years time at a nice profit? (We have had students do this successfully - it is very doable with a little focus).
  3. Learn to invest! Warren Buffet had a rule - "Be scared when others are greedy, and greedy when others are scared". Everyone's is scared right now, so we should all be looking for opportunities. 
Just a couple of thoughts on a Monday afternoon.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Making Tomorrow A Better Today pt 2

Carrying on from where we left of in yesterday's post, and continuing the idea that John Maxwell had when he said:

"The secret of your success is found in your daily routine"

That is a powerful statement, and has a huge application in both business and personal lives - not to mention our artistic careers and financial prospects...

The same is true in your finances. If I am struggling with debt, what can I do to get out from under it? Can I call the credit card companies and beg for a break? Can I tear up my bills, move, and hope they won’t find me? You certainly could, but it wouldn’t be recommended. Instead, wouldn’t it be better to make more money, shave some money off your expenses, pay a little less in taxes, put a solid debt plan in place, and move forward freely than constantly worrying about how you were going to handle those student loans? Again, what expenses can I track today that can be used as tax deductions? How can a work a bit more today to make that bit of extra money I need to cover those expenses? How can I alter my spending habits today so that I have to worry less tomorrow? (For assistance with this, please email us at with the title “Chart of Expenses”, and we will send you a very detailed excel file to help break down your income and expenses, and identify where you could trim, what you need to improve etc).

By now you get the picture. Oscar Wylde said “every action of the common day makes or unmakes character”, and, beyond that, everything you do today effects where you will be tomorrow.

There are two kinds of pain in this arena: the pain  of discipline, and the pain of regret. Now, especially when it comes to our finances, we can play now and pay later, or we can pay now and play later. The problem is, payment compounds, and increases with time and missed opportunities. So if you suffer the pain of paying now – of discipline, of doing the things you need to do long after the mood in which you said them in has gone, of paying attention to your actions today – you will get to play a lot longer in the end.

All of this is a process. No-one expects people to flick a switch and suddenly have amazing organizational skills, perfect credit and financial savvy. Just like getting fit takes time, so does this. The important thing is that, as you take your financial journey, you are not alone. Abundance Bound is there to help you any way we can, and we very much look forward to the opportunity of doing so.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Power Packed Pancakes...

On a totally side note, my husband has started a blog in preparation for writing a short book called "Power Packed Pancakes For Kids"... about the rise and fall of the British Empire.

OK, not really, but he is the cook of the house, and invents dishes all the time. The Power Packed Pancake was something he came up with for our daughter.

Check it out when you have a second by clicking below Power Packed Pancakes.


Making Tomorrow A Better Today

How do we define success? And, more importantly, what does it take to achieve it? For actors, those answers might be “Being a series regular on a night-time drama” and “Consistently honing my craft and auditioning regularly”. For a photographer, they might be “Shooting a cover for National Geographic” (or Cosmopolitan, depending on preference), and “Constantly shooting in different conditions to increase my skill”. It will differ from person to person, and from art form to art form, but I want to give you one key to what it takes that applies across the board, be it art, business, finance or sport:

“The secret to you success is determined by your daily agenda… by the daily decisions I make, and the daily disciplines I practice” – Dr John C. Maxwell

I heard that statement in a lesson a few years ago, and it is something that has always stuck with me, because I fundamentally believe that it is true. Another way of saying it is that, if what and where I am today is a direct result of my previous actions, what I am tomorrow depends on what I do today. The problem is, most people underestimate what they can do today, and over estimate what they can do tomorrow.

Now, if you think about this for a minute, you will see how true it is.  You constantly hear “I’ll do it tomorrow”. I know I say that, and then, when it doesn’t happen tomorrow, it becomes “the next day”… then the next… then the next, until either we hit a crisis and do it at the expense of something else, or we just never quite get around to it.

Taking acting as an example: how can you book any jobs if you don’t audition? And how can you audition if casting directors aren’t seeing your headshot? And how are they seeing your headshot unless it is being put in front of them? So how many submissions are you or your agent making today? How many workshops are you attending today? What networking are you doing today? What are you doing today to hone your skill so that, when the opportunity arises, you perform to the best of your abilities? But maybe making that phone call to an agent is uncomfortable, so you put it of to tomorrow, and traffic is really bad tonight, so that networking event can wait… you get the picture.

To be continued...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tax Tips for Actors & Artists

One thing with all this talk of taxes. One small, crucial thing.

Please remember, what everyone is interested in is tax avoidance, not tax evasion.

Claiming aggressively, using all the deductions you can etc is great - go for it (preferably under the guidance of a tax professional). This is tax avoidance, and is the game every good accountant is playing for you. If the IRS audits you, and has a different opinion as to what you should have deducted, then you have to pay some back taxes, some interest, and you are sent on your way with a slap on the wrist. Annoying? Absolutely. Criminal? No.

HOWEVER, not reporting income, hiding money etc falls in the tax evasion category... and even minor infractions here can get you in serious trouble (fines, criminal charges and so on). So please, avoidance not evasion should be the mantra when going through the tax process.

A great book on the subject is by Sandy Botkin, and is called How To Lower Your Taxes Big Time. Hardly a light and fluffy read, but a really good one for those interested in lowering their tax burden.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Postage Hike - Acting Submissions

Something for all actors to be aware of - you don't want your submissions to not reach their destination because of this!

Postage Hike May 12, 2008 - Los Angeles Acting blog by David August

Actor's Tax Season - more!

The second part of the piece  Tax Season Starts When?. Also a link to TAE with a great article from the Actors Tax Prep guys. It sends up all sorts of red flags when actors et al deduct clothing, movie tickets, manicures etc, because, with certain exceptions, we are not allowed to do it!

Anyway, soon taxes will be a thing of the past for a while, but I really want to emphasize the need for everyone to be working all year to keep things in order. That way you get to keep more money,and avoid the headaches of audits and so on.

Tax Season Starts When? (part 2)

Become familiar with the tax system and how you can maximize your return.  One way is by starting a home-based business.  You can earn money and with the deductions you will have, such as a portion of your rent/mortgage and your utilities, you will be able to keep more of that money in your pocket.  You can even write off your losses against other sources of income.  The best thing to do is hire a tax professional to handle your taxes, someone who will be able to maximize the amount of money you can save.  Remember, you have to spend money to make money.  There are, for example, accountants that focus on preparing tax returns for actors and/or other entertainment industry professionals.  An accountant that specializes in filing returns in your area of expertise may be your best choice.

Finally, there is an avenue that is available to explore, yet is something you may not be aware of, may not have considered, or simply may not believe is even possible.  This are tax advantage investments, such as retirement plans, self-directed IRAs, and real estate.  I know you may be thinking this is crazy, you hardly make enough money or you don’t know anything about investing, but if you take it one step at a time and do your homework, there are ways that you can actually have your money start working for you.

The key is to know your options, be organized, and conduct yourself in a professional manner.  A very helpful resource to understand taxes better is the book Lower Your Taxes – Big Time!  Wealth-Building, Tax Reduction Secrets from an IRS Insider by Sandy Botkin, CPA, Esq.  You will find valuable tips and rules explained in a way that completely non technical people can understand.  The chapter entitled “How to Shield Yourself from the IRS Weapon of Classifying a Business as a Hobby” is absolutely critical and will pay you back for the cost of the book many times over.

Whatever you do, do not leave your tax preparation until mere weeks before your return is due to be filed.  This will cause you an un-necessary amount of stress and may cause trouble for you with the IRS if you do not have your documents in order.  It may also cost you money you can’t afford to pay.

The Actors' Enterprise: Blog and News<br>: Actor Tax Myths

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tax Season Starts When?

You have just filed your taxes and you breathe that sigh of relief.  It’s over for another year.  Or is it?  The answer is NO, or at least it should be, because tax season is just about to begin.  That’s right.  The organization it takes to make the most of your taxes begins now.

As artists it is essential to understand that regardless of your current income, if you actually intend to make money from your craft, there are ways in which you must treat it like a business.  There are two critical concepts you must become familiar with to be fully prepared to do your tax return.  Without them, you are not running a business – you are engaged in a hobby – and should never expect that hobby to be financially profitable.  The first is you MUST be organized.  Organization means being sure you have all the documentation you need and that you have a place for everything and have everything in its place.  You might find that a computer-based program, such as Quicken or Quickbooks, is the answer to keeping all your records in order. If you are more comfortable with paper then be sure to get a paper organizer that is efficient and easy to use.  Actors have an enormous resource in a company called Holdon Log.  They provide both computer programs and carefully designed log books that allow actors to record everything from auditions and callbacks to expenses related to creating and maintaining your professional image.  Find tools that work for you and USE THEM throughout the year to keep the records you need to efficiently and effectively file your taxes.

The second important concept is to keep your business finances separate from your personal finances.  Have one bank account for each business you have and use this account to pay all your business expenses.  This is a professional way to conduct your business affairs and it is a good way to keep your records in order.  Again, remember that your acting, photography, writing, or any other creative career is a business and should be run out of a separate bank account.  If you do not have funds in your business account then loan your business some money and keep careful track.  The business can pay you back when times are better and in the end you will know that your business paid its own way.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Why Financial Education Should Matter To Everyone

I was reminded of the phrase "broke at a higher level" last night talking to a writer friend of mine who has been hit hard by the writer's strike and its aftermath.

What it simply means is that just because someone is making  lot of money does not necessarily mean they are in a stable financial position. They might have a bigger house, a nicer car, travel more - lots of things that we may want - but they are still in the position of having to work day in and day out for it all. If work suddenly dries up for them - as it can in any profession - they are stuck, because they need to make their forty thousand a month just as certainly as we need to make our four thousand to survive.

We see this constantly in the film industry. Actors will have one successful show, but then may not work again for a long time, or only pick up bits and pieces of work here and there. If their lifestyles have been built on spending all of the money they earned while the show was running, they are stuck. The same happens with writers, directors, producers... all it takes for most people to become financially unglued is a month or two out of work, wether you earn thousands or tens of thousands.

How different could it have been if they had really learnt about money before they had a lot? If they kept their lifestyles the same for a couple of years, and socked away enough money to live on for the rest of their lives? If they knew how to control spending, invest, structure themselves properly... In the same way that 80% of lottery winners are bankrupt within three years because they never learnt how to handle money, so actors, artists, writers etc who suddenly start making a killing hit the same problem.

That is why learning about money is so important. How to handle it, how to make it grow, what to do with it so we can live on it forever... these are things everyone needs to know, but we as artists, with our fluctuating income, need it more than most. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What Financial Freedom Really Means (2)

I want to carry on where our previous article on Financial Freedom left off. For those new to the topic, please see our entry below, but the fundamental concept of financial freedom is:

Having a passive income greater than your living expenses.

The question, of course, then becomes "so how does one achieve this?"

First, for clarification, we need to review passive income briefly. Passive income is money that comes to us whether we work or not. It can (and should) come from a number of sources, but some of the most common ways of earning it are: rental income from real estate you own, dividends from stocks, insurance, network marketing, and interest on loans you make (there are many other ways, of course, but that covers what most people can go out and actually do). The opposite of passive income is active income, and is where you get paid for the work you do, either as an hourly wage or a salary. The problem is, and this applies whether you are making minimum wage or $500 per hour, if you have to work for all your money, then the moment you stop working, you stop getting paid. You want to take a month off? Your yearly income just dropped by 1/12. Three months off? It just dropped by ¼. Not pretty. 

Passive income, however, keeps coming in whether you are punching a clock or on a beach in Belize. For those of you who currently rent, do you know where your landlord is every month? Probably not. But you still pay your rent by the 5th of each month, right? It doesn’t matter if he is sweeping the corridors or sipping a cocktail, that money is coming into his bank account every single month. And not just from you, but from the tenants in all the other properties he owns as well.

SO, how do we make this work for you? First, you need to email us at, with “Chart of Accounts” in the tag line, so that we can send you an excel spreadsheet that will help you work out where your money is going each month, and how much you need to cover your bills. This will give you a current “snapshot” of your financial situation, and will include rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities, artistic expenses etc.

From this you will have a number, let us say $4,000 per month, that you need to earn to keep your head above water. This amount would become your first passive income goal, because the second that you are earning $4,001 per month, you are able to live, indefinitely, at that standard of living, for the rest of your life.

The question then becomes how to reach that goal, and develop that level of passive income. That is where financial education comes in, and to answer that, let us look at the list we started earlier. The first item was rental real estate, and let’s say that this was what you decided to focus on. If you do your research around different rental markets in the country, it becomes entirely possible to find properties for sale at a reasonable price that will generate $200 per month in positive cash-flow (money left after all taxes, mortgage etc has been paid). So you purchase one of these (with money from your wealth account), and now add $200 per month to the acceleration of your “wealth cycle”. Four more properties like this, and you are ¼ of the way there. Then you start to look at dividend paying stocks, and some Oil & Gas, and maybe a business or two…

Does it start to make sense? I hope so, because I remember my own sense of shock and excitement when I realized that the goal of all my financial dreaming was something tangible and obtainable: I just hadn’t realized what it was. Because this really is the financial goal of life: get your passive income above your expenses. Some people wait to do it until they are retired, and pensions and things of that sort kick in. Most never achieve it, and either work some kind of job or rely on somebody’s charity, until they die. But with some education, some planning, and a little courage, we can all have it three to five years from now. Five years time is coming, whether you get into action on any of this or not. The question is, will you still be in the same place, doing the same thing? Or will you greet five years from now on the beach, drinking champagne, knowing that everything is paid for whether you go home next week or next month. And, more importantly, free to pursue your acting career as and how you choose?

The choice is yours. What I hope we made clear in this article is what that choice is.