Artist's Prosperity 101 - Please watch!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Massive Phishing Increase

Just a quick article I wanted to pass along to you all that I came across on the BBC website:

To sum it up, there has been a 180% increase in phishing (people trying to get your personal details for credit card fraud etc) over the last year due to the financial turmoil that is engulfing the world. We went through the identity theft annoyance twice earlier this year (someone was booking Air India flights with one card, and charging a bunch of stuff to a Valencia WalMart with another), but we are still unsure how the people got our information. 

Three thoughts:

1 - Keep good records! Banks are much more likely to believe you about what money was spent where if you can show them accurately your spending patterns etc. It gets much harder to prove if you don't have your account up on Quicken, Money etc.

2 - Never follow a link in an email that asks for your personal information! That includes not signing into facebook, or myspace, because many people use the same password across multiple sites, which leads onto:

3 - Use different passwords depending on the sensitivity of the site! Social networking sites can be short and sweet, but really get creative with online banking and similar things.

That's it. Nothing too much. So, even in these difficult financial times

To Your Prosperity

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