Artist's Prosperity 101 - Please watch!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tax Deduction Tip For Actors & Artists

Assign a specific credit card to your artistic career - even if it is a personal one - and NEVER use it for personal stuff. Interest on business loans is tax deductible, interest on personal loans is not. Having even one personal expense on there blows this loophole, so be careful. Over the year you should be keeping all your credit card statement. Then, at tax time, go back through them, add up all the interest you have paid, drop it into the right place on your tax forms... and viola, an extra few hundred (or maybe more) back to you.

This obviously applies equally to any expenses any actor, artist, musician incurs in the course of pursuing their art, from photo paper, to sketch books, to instruments, to acting classes... you get the idea.

There are also some nice tax tips specifically for actors that can be seen by clicking here.

Was this useful? Had you heard this somewhere else before? Please leave any comments or thoughts you have!

Happy Easter!

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