Artist's Prosperity 101 - Please watch!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Acting Article on IMDB

An interesting article posted by The Actors' Enterprise - 

SAG granting waivers to independent filmmakers

Glad to see SAG are working with producers in the run-up a potential strike.

We are gearing up to launch a new CD set "The Artists' Prosperity System" shortly, so there will be more news about that soon. In the meanwhile, don't forget to visit Abundance Bound regularly to keep up on what is going on.

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Business Website

Adam and Eben, his creative partner, have started a new website - an online cooking show!

It was actually originally conceived as a way to make the bulk of our groceries tax deductible, and if it generates income as well, so much the better!

One of the things I teach at Abundance Bound is building business based around your existing skills. I also know that having a home-based business of some kind opens up all sorts of tax deductions not available to those without one. Adam is a great cook (I hate to cook, so it is a good thing he does), so doing something around that seemed like a natural fit...

...anyway, I wanted to let you all know about it as an example of a business that could lead to some additional money, and eventually a decent side income to help support all your acting careers and artistic endeveours. 

Also, here is the website:

Enjoy, and I would welcome your thoughts!